Think20 Inception Conference

The Think20 Inception Conference will be the first of the key T20 Convenings under India’s G20 Presidency and will lay the groundwork for what Think20 India aims to achieve during the year. The Conference will involve groups of think tanks, research institutions and members of the Task Forces that are a part of the T20 India process. The two-day conference will feature panel discussions and breakout sessions for each Task Force. During the course of two days, members of each Task Force will present their ideas and priorities, as well as the Plan of Action.

Day 1 | January 13, 2023
11:00 to 11:30

(30 mins)

Inaugural Session

Introductory Remarks

Sujan R. Chinoy, Chair, T20 India Core Group, Chair, T20 Task Force 7, Director General, MP-IDSA

Inaugural Address

Amitabh Kant, Sherpa, G20 India 

Vote of Thanks

Rohan Jaitley, Member, T20 India Core Group

Hosted by

Samir Saran, Chair, T20 Secretariat; Member, T20 India Core Group, and President, ORF

11:30 to 12:40

(70 mins) 

Plenary Session 1

In the Spotlight: Vijay Thakur Singh, Chair, Task Force 7 – T20 India, Director General, ICWA

Reformed Multilateralism: A Global Imperative 

As the international community grapples with the challenges of a rapidly changing global landscape, the panel seeks to explore whether multilateralism can survive in a world that is becoming increasingly multipolar. It will discuss the role of an international rules-based order in ensuring global stability. How can G20 address the urgent need for reforms in key multilateral institutions such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF)? Can the G20 advance the forward-looking agenda to sustain the recovery and steer the global economy towards strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth? 


Tetsushi Sonobe, Dean and CEO, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)

Feodor Voitolovsky, Director, IMEMO, Russia

Ebtesam Al-Ketbi, President and Founder, Emirates Policy Center, UAE

Stormy-Anika Mildner, Executive Director, Aspen Institute, Germany

Nicolas J.A. Buchoud, Co-Founder and President, Grand Paris Alliance for Metropolitan Development, France

Chair: Shikha Bhasin, Senior Programme Lead, CEEW, India

12:40 to 13:30

(50 mins)

Lunch Break
13:30 to 14:40

(70 mins)

Plenary Session 2

In the Spotlight:  Deepak Mishra, Chair, Task Force 5 and Director and Chief Executive, ICRIER, India

Global Financial Order and Macroeconomic Stability 

Supply-demand mismatches, increase in commodity prices including energy and food prices have also given rise to inflationary pressures in several G20 countries. How can the G20 continue to monitor major global risks including macroeconomic vulnerabilities and geopolitical implications to undertake a systematic approach to mitigate the risks? Given the extraordinary level of monetary and fiscal stimulus, how can the G20 to address the systemic structural transformations (including green and digital), reduce risk-enhancing inequalities and increase supply-chain resilience to future economic shocks?


Dennis J. Snower, Founder and President, Global Solutions Initiative, Germany 

Bambang P.S. Brodjonegoro, Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Indonesia

Fukunari Kimura, Chief Economist, ERIA, Japan 

Vera Helena Thorstensen, Head, Center for Global Trade and Investment Studies, FGV, Brazil 

Gülbin Şahinbeyoğlu, Center Director, Economic Data Analysis Center, TEPAV, Turkey

Chair: Yose Rizal Damuri, Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Indonesia

14:40 to 14:50 In the Spotlight: Jayant Sinha, Chair, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance; and Member of Parliament, India
14:50 to 15:10 Break
15:10 to 16:20

(70 mins)

Plenary Session 3

In the Spotlight: Sachin Chaturvedi, T20 India Core Group, Chair, Task Force 3 and Director General RIS

Finding Consensus on Global Wellbeing: LiFE, Energy Transitions and the SDGs 

The TFs on LiFE, Green Transitions, and Accelerating SDGs share a common goal of promoting sustainability through climate mainstreaming, changing consumption patterns, and achieving security in food, water, and biodiversity.  The session will be an opportunity for members of these TFs to work together towards common recommendations for a holistic support for transitions.


John J. Kirton, Director and Founder, G20 Research Group, University of Toronto, Canada

Noura Mansouri, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center, Saudi Arabia 

Saehee Jeong, Senior Climate Diplomacy Associate, SFOC, South Korea 

Victoria Pavlyushina, Lecturer. HSE University, Russia

Elizabeth Sidropoulis, Chief Executive, South African Institute of International Affairs, South Africa

Chair: Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI, India 

16:20 to 16:35 Transition to Breakout rooms
16:35 to 18:05

(90 mins)

TF level Breakout Sessions: TF 1 to TF 7

Each Task Force will be assigned its own breakout room for dedicated discussions.

18:05 to 18:20 Transition to Main Room
18:20 to 18:50

(30 mins)

Closing Session

Ministerial Address

Hardeep S. Puri, Minister of Housing and Urban Affairs; Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India 

Vote of Thanks  

Samir Saran, Chair, T20 Secretariat; Member, T20 India Core Group, and President, ORF

19:00 Onwards Dinner Reception
Day 1 | Side Rooms | January 13 2023
10:00 to 10:50

(50 mins)

Breakfast Breakout Session 1: Closed-Door – T7-T20 Side Event

Aligning Financial Systems with the Paris Goals: Role of Climate Alliances and the G20 

The lack of financial flows to mitigation and adaptation activities in the Global South remains the key challenge in meeting the Paris Climate Targets. Going forward, developing economies will require anywhere between USD 3 trillion to 6 trillion per year by 2050 to meet their climate targets. Newer climate alliances and the G20 grouping can potentially play a catalytic role in this context. 

What are the key bottlenecks in the international financial architecture that hinder finance for mitigation and adaptation in the Global South? What are the most urgent reforms needed for MDBs and development finance institutions to more effectively address the climate challenge? What is the potential role of newer climate alliances among like-minded nations in moving the needle on climate finance? What role can the G20 play and what are the burning issues India’s G20 presidency should focus on?

12:40 to 14:00 Lunch Breakout Session 2: Closed-Door – T7-T20 Side Event 

Identifying the Contours of Effective Climate Alliances for Transformative Climate Action

The existing multilateral arrangements for climate action are not agile or quick enough to deal with the rapid pace of the climate emergency. As a result, progress on the Paris Agreement has been slow and the world is nowhere near on track to meet global warming targets.

What are the advantages of smaller climate alliances compared to existing multilateral structures? How can climate alliances aid in implementing the principles of ‘common but differentiated responsibilities’ in the transition away from fossil fuels? What should be the key considerations for membership to a global climate alliance? What will be an appropriate policy framework and institutional architecture for such an alliance? What mechanisms should be considered for ensuring compliance among countries in a possible climate alliance?

Day 2 | January 14, 2023
09:40 to 10:00 hrs

(20 mins)

Welcome Remarks

Sujan R. Chinoy, Chair, T20 India Core Group, and Director General, MP-IDSA

Keynote Address

Abhay Thakur, Sous Sherpa, G20 India 

10:00 to 11:30 hrs

(90 mins)

TF level Breakout Sessions: TF 1 to TF 7

Each Task Force will be assigned its own breakout room for dedicated discussions. 

11:30 to 11:45

(15 mins)

Special Address: Suman Bery, Vice Chairman, Niti Aayog, India
11:45 to 12:45

(60 mins)

Plenary Session 4

Beyond the Banter: Inclusive Digital Infrastructure and Agenda 2030 

Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is not possible without developments in the digital sphere. Technology is the foundation for sustainable and inclusive economic growth, employment and decent work. India’s experience with Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) has lessons for the G20, on how DPI can be made inclusive, trustworthy, and serve the global good.  The session will aim to find common ground between the task forces on sustainable development and on digital futures to ensure alignment on key policy issues. 


Pencho Kuzev, Policy Advisor, KAS, Germany 

Sharad Sharma, Co-Founder, iSPIRIT, India 

Ramiro Albrieu, Associate Professor, Macroeconomics and Finance; Senior Researcher University of Beunos Aires; CIPPEC, Argentina

Shambhavi Naik, Head of Research, Takshashila Institution, India 

Kalpana Sastry Regulagedda, Managing Director, Ag-Hub, India

Chair: Urvashi Aneja, Founding Director,  Digital Futures Lab, India 

12:45 to 13:35 Closing Plenary 

Feedback Session for all the Task Forces

Report back from Rapporteurs of Each TF on deliberations in the breakout sessions on Day 1 and Day 2


N. Bhanumurthy, Chair, – TF 1, and Vice Chancellor, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar School of Economics University, India

Erin Watson-Lynn, Co-Chair – TF 2 and Founder and Managing Director, Baker & York, Australia

Anita Prakash, Co-Chair – TF 3, and Senior Policy Advisor, ERIA, Indonesia

Ana Toni, Co-Chair – TF 4, and Head, Institute for Climate and Society, Brazil

Amar Bhattacharya, Co-Chair – TF 5, and Senior Fellow, Centre for Sustainable Development, Brookings USA, USA

GA Tadas , Chair – TF 6, and Visiting Fellow, RIS,  India

André de Mello e Souza, Co-Chair– TF 7, Planning and Research Technician, Board of Studies and Economic Relations and International Policies, IPEA, Brazil

Closing Remarks: Sujan R. Chinoy, Chair, T20 India Core Group, and Director General, MP-IDSA

13:35 to 14:30

( 60 mins)

Lunch Break
14:30 to 18:30 Heritage visit  (T20 International Delegates)
19:30 onwards Valedictory Address

Eenam Gambhir, Joint Secretary, G20 Secretariat, Ministry of External Affairs, India

Theme Dinner